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Local woman featured in national publication 

Dr. Kristina Grewal. Photo from crestonlargeanimal.com/dr-kristina-grewal.htm.

Pink Tractor magazine spotlights women in the agriculture industry

–Dr. Kristina Grewal, a large animal veterinarian in Creston, CA was recently featured in Pink Tractor magazine, a publication for women in the agriculture industry. In the article, Building a Veterinary Practice, readers learn a little bit about how she began her practice 10 years ago.

“Agriculture has a reputation for being a man’s businesses, but times are changing,” said Nancy Stephen, Pink Tractor editor. “According to the USDA, 31-percent of American Farmers are Women. At Pink Tractor we are honored to be a both a social network for the female farmer and rancher, as well as an educational and empowerment tool for young women seeking to learn more about what it takes to be successful in the ag industry.”

In 2014, PinkTractor.com was launched as an online community to support and encourage American women in agriculture. The following year, Pink Tractor magazine began. With its editorial focus, the publication spotlights real women in the ag industry, provides tips, resources and more with a distribution of over 30,000 nationwide. Visit www.PinkTractor.com to subscribe to the digital or print publications.

Know a female farmer, rancher or agricultural professional who’d like to be featured in a future issue of Pink Tractor? Submit her for consideration at: www.PinkTractor.com/nominate.


About the author: Access Publishing

Scott Brennan is the publisher of this website and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog.