Templeton Guide|Saturday, February 22, 2025
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Winter preparedness 

Winter Preparedness

Templeton Community Services District encourages residents and businesses to get ready for this season’s winter storms. If you live in a frequently flooded area the following steps are recommended:

If your home is in the path of runoff, keep plywood, plastic sheeting, and lumber on hand to divert. If your property can be protected by sandbags, consider getting sand and bags BEFORE the rainy season and stockpile as many filled bags as you think you may need. Complimentary sand is available for Templeton residents. The sand is located on the corner of Old County Road and Florence Street. To collect the sand you’ll need to bring a shovel and your own sandbags.

The following home improvement stores have sandbags available for purchase:

  1. Hewitt’s Hardware
    428 S. Main St, Templeton CA 93465
    Open: Monday thru Saturday, 8am-9pm.
  2. Templeton Feed and Grain
    405 S. Main Street, Templeton CA 93465
    Open: Monday thru Friday, 7am-5pm, Saturday 7am-Noon
  3. Orchard Supply Hardware
    2005 Theatre Dr, Paso Robles CA 93446
    Open: Monday thru Saturday 7am-9pm, Sunday 8am-8pm.
  4. Home Depot
    905 El Camino Real, Atascadero CA 93422
    Open: Monday thru Saturday 6am-9pm, Sunday 7am-8pm.

Inspect your property for any signs of erosion. Rain has a way of making small problems become BIG problems. Rake up and bag leaves as often as possible and ESPECIALLY before storms. Leaves clog up the storm drain inlets and are a principal source of most flood occurrences. Clean all drains around your home, including roof gutters and downspouts, drain inlets and pipes, drainage ditches and driveway culverts BEFORE the rainy season and re-check between large storms.

Important Emergency Contact Information:
Electrical/Power PG&E: 1-800-743-5002
Roads / SLO County: 1-805-781-5252