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Templeton Women in Business meet monthly 

Templeton Women in Business (TWIB) is a professional group of women organized as a committee of the Templeton Chamber of Commerce. The group’s purpose is to support, develop leadership skills and promote women in business through education, information exchange and alliances with other organizations.

TWIB promotes commerce and creates networking opportunities for women. Members of TWIB meet regularly for lunch usually on the 2nd Tuesday of the month; we have now incorporated our Annual July Wine Down, held at a different local Winery. We are dark in June and August. The monthly luncheons include engaging speakers and a non-profit spotlight as well as local business and chamber announcements. These luncheons provide women a great opportunity to get to know each other and make useful business referrals to one another.

The TWIB members help each other and make a point of supporting each other’s businesses when the opportunity arises, and the door is always open for visitors and new members. In 2018, the group celebrates their ninth year, since organizing, to serve the Templeton business community. Men are always welcome to attend. Members are encouraged to bring an opportunity drawing item to further promote their business.

For more information on the TWIB Luncheons watch for our EBlats and you can always check www.templetonchamber.com, call (805) 434-1789, email: info@templetonchamber.com, or contact a volunteer member of the TWIB Steering Committee, listed below;

TWIB Steering Committee


  • Katherine “Kat” Breig: AD-VO-CATE Real Estate Partners kat@advocaterep.com
  • Avkile De Fazio: AKvertise akvile@akvertise.com
  • Lyne Wiemann: KPRL kprllyne@gmail.com
  • Venessa Brown: Brown & Associates Bookkeeping & Tax Preparation vanessapalmerbrown@gmail.com