Templeton Guide|Friday, February 21, 2025
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Templeton residents advised to address weeds/tall grass before summer months 

Templeton Fire and Emergency Services would like to remind residents and property owners that weed abatement is one of the first defenses in protecting your home and property from wildland fires.

This has been a wet Spring which means there are lots of wildflowers/weeds and grasses growing. Before Summer’s high temperatures hit, property owners need to address weeds, grasses, dead trees & shrubs.  Anything that is woody and/or dry are considered nuisance materials as they are more likely to combust.  Templeton Fire and Emergency Services encourages people to stay diligent in protecting their properties.

“We have enjoyed much-needed rainfall this Spring, but with significant rains, comes very thick, tall annual grasses,” said Fire Chief Bill White. “Those grasses have grown fast and will create a severe fire hazard as we approach the summer months. So, it is critical property owners keep the grasses mowed,” said White.

Weed abatement is the Fire Department’s first line of defense in keeping vegetation fires small and our community safe. When properties are mowed, it will slow the spread of vegetation fires, giving the fire department a chance to keep those fires small.

All properties within the Templeton Community Services District boundaries, including yards and lots, must be cleared of all combustible vegetation, such as dead leaves, weeds, brush, and tree limbs by May 1. Property owners are also asked to remove excess trash, wood or other combustibles from their property to eliminate potential fuel sources if a fire were to start.

Below are some of the key weed abatement requirements.

  • Do not mow after 10 a.m. if the temperature exceeds 80 degrees.
  • Mowers must be set at a maximum height of three inches unless conditions require a greater height.
  • All equipment used for weed abatement work must be equipped with proper spark arresters, mufflers, etc.
  • Property owners are responsible for weeds from the centerline of the public road and through their entire property.
  • Properties may need to be cut several times due to the recent and significant rain.


Please do your part to minimize the danger to your property and that of your neighbors. For further information, contact Fire Chief Bill White or Fire Captain Phillip Goldbloom during regular business hours at (805) 434-4900.