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Templeton Community Services District 2015/2016 Goals 

TSCDThe Templeton Community Services District Board of Directors held a strategic planning session on Saturday, Jan. 31, 2015 to set goals for the 2015/2016 fiscal year. The board worked diligently with key district staff to identify what goals should be addressed to continue to provide district residents and businesses with excellent service. The board prioritized the goals as listed below.

1. WATER –

Enhance reliability and availability of water resources.
a. Conclude full subscription of Nacimiento water.
b. Complete highest priority components of the Integrated Water Resources Strategic Plan that quantifies supplies, identifies key actions, and develops needed policies to implement them.
c. Be an active participant in the development of an independent Atascadero Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA).


Improve wastewater operational safety, reliability, efficiency, and financial sustainability.
a. Prioritize and implement operational improvements (odor control, solids removal, pumping performance, Selby effectiveness, discharge source identification) as funding becomes available.
b. Research funding strategies (grants, loans, development fees, and/or rate adjustments) for build out, East Side Force Main, and other projects.


Develop a long-term approach to CSD’s financial needs with effective policies to fund CSD service delivery.
a. Consider opportunities to contribute to reserves in FY 2015-2016 without significantly impacting service levels.
b. Create policies on reserves, funded replacement, debt issuance, and obligations for new development to contribute for FY 2016-2017.


Pursue collaboration opportunities with other entities to enhance service to the community.
a. Monitor issues that affect Templeton and advocate for Templeton CSD’s interests.
b. Be proactive in working with elected officials and staff in the county, school district, and other entities to leverage resources.

5. FIRE –

Enhance sustainability of emergency service delivery.
a. Continue to optimize current emergency service delivery.
b. Decide upon long-term direction for organization and delivery of 7-day a week fire service based upon determination of community funding support.
c. Determine most efficient alternatives for response to routine medical calls.
d. Initiate a strategy to fund and develop a disaster preparedness plan.


Maintain current level of support for parks and recreation.
a. Sustain (financial) support for special events and youth sports.
b. Complete the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan to evaluate needs and opportunities.
c. Identify financial options (including possibilities for partnerships with county and others, adopt a park, development agreements, parcel tax, etc.) to provide additional resources to augment/enhance park and recreation opportunities.

For questions or comments, please feel free to contact Jeff Briltz, the general manager at the district office at (805) 434-4900. Citizens are also encouraged to attend a board meeting. They’re held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 7 p.m. Please go to the District’s website at www.templetoncsd.org for further information.

About the author: Access Publishing

Scott Brennan is the publisher of this website and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog.