Templeton clean up week happening Sept. 23-30
–Volunteers are needed for Templeton’s annual community clean-up week. This year’s clean-up week will be Sept. 23 – 30. This year’s event is different due to COVID-19 Pandemic requirements. Volunteers get to choose the date and time that is most convenient for them to conduct their litter pick-up.
Contact the Templeton Recreation Department at (805) 434-4909 to request a “Clean-Up Kit.” The kit has all the supplies necessary for your household/group to pick-up trash (kits have enough materials for 4 to 5 people). The Recreation Department will be assigning volunteers areas throughout the community that need cleaning.
This annual event held in conjunction with EcoSLO helps beautify the community and reduces litter before winter rains arrive and wash debris into local creeks and streams.
Individuals may sign-up on-line and print the required waivers by visiting www.templetoncsd.org or by contacting Recreation Supervisor Melissa Johnson at [email protected].
Scott Brennan is the publisher of this website and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog.