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Templeton Area Advisory Group cannabis project review committee meeting July 30 

marijuana leaf

–The Templeton Area Advisory Group Cannabis Project Review Committee will be meeting on Thursday, July 20, at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held remotely through Zoom. To join the meeting by computer, go to Zoom.us/join and enter the meeting ID number: 71130571681. To join the Zoom meeting by either cell or landline telephone (audio only) DIAL 415-762-9988 and enter the meeting ID code: 71130571681#.

The TAAG Cannabis Project Review Committee Members are: Murray Powell, TAAG Vice-Chair and Committee Chair Kristen Gemeny, TAAG Board Member Don Potts, TAAG Board Member Jon DeMoralis, TAAG Board Member and Committee Alternate.

The committee will consider the following agenda items.

1. Public comment: Members of the public who wish to speak on any topic not on the agenda that is within the purview of the TAAG CPRC Committee may speak when being recognized by the Chair. Please state your name (and representation, if any) for the record, and limit your comments to three (3) minutes. Per TAAG’s Bylaws, no action will be taken on items not on the agenda, though board members may ask questions of the speaker.

2. The committee will consider recommendations regarding proposed amendments to the SLO County Title 22 Chapter 22.40: Cannabis ordinances. The committee’s draft recommendation report will be referred to the TAAG Board for consideration and approval during the Board’s August 13, 2020 regular meeting. The final approved recommendation report will be submitted to the SLO County Board of Supervisors (BOS) for their consideration during the BOS is scheduled to review and approve amendments to Chapter 22.40 – Cannabis Activities on August 18, 2020. The County Planning Department has publicly noticed a proposed edited amended version of Chapter 22.40 for public review. The County Planning Department submitted eight (8) proposed amendments discussed in a June 25, 2020 Planning Commission Staff report that can be viewed at the following web link: https://agenda.slocounty.ca.gov/iip/sanluisobispo/file/getfile/123064

3. Committee review of pending cannabis Project No. DRc2018-00183 – Eden Dreams: The committee will determine committee recommendations to approve o the project’s Land Use Permit. The committee report will be submitted to the TAAG board for review and approval during its scheduled Aug. 13, 2020 meeting. This project was reviewed during Dece. 2018 but has just been scheduled for an August 21, 2020 Minor Use Permit Planning Department approval hearing. This project is located at 4337 So. El Pomar Road, Templeton. The project will consist of the phased establishment of three-acres (130,680-square-feet) of outdoor cannabis cultivation canopy area, 27,500- square feet (22,000 sf canopy area) of indoor cannabis cultivation, 4,000- square-feet of ancillary cannabis processing (drying and curing), and 7,500-square-feet of ancillary cannabis nursery, within a new 40,000-square-foot greenhouse. In addition, site development will include construction of a new 5,000-square-foot processing/storage building, and associated improvements.

Guidelines for presenting oral comments

It is important that all participants conduct themselves with courtesy, dignity, civility, and respect for all parties involved. If you wish to present oral comments, please observe the following guidelines:

1. Identify yourself by your full name (and representation, if any) for the minutes.

2. During a Zoom teleconference meeting or by phone call in please clearly identify yourself each time you speak.

3. Address your comments to the Chair. Conversation or debate between a speaker and a member of the audience is not permitted.

4. Oral comments should be brief and to the point. Your comments should be about issues, and not about any individuals involved. Please do not interrupt a speaker during that person’s comments.

5. Public oral comment is limited to three minutes per individual unless the chair permits otherwise.

6. Please – no audience reaction during or after comments.

7. Written testimony (letter, e-mail, etc.) is acceptable, but should be distributed to TAAG members at least two days before the meeting.

8. Once the public comment portion of the meeting is closed, there will be no further public oral comments unless requested of and permitted by the chair.

The public is encouraged to attend via Zoom and by conference call in and offer their opinions and comments concerning matters considered by TAAG’s Board and Committees.

About the author: Access Publishing

Scott Brennan is the publisher of this website and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog.