Templeton to allow on-leash dogs at parks
New policy part of Parks and Recreation Master Plan
–The Templeton Community Services District (TCSD) Park and Recreation Master Plan was recently adopted by the Templeton Board of Directors to guide park and recreation development for the community over the next 25 years. TSCD Assistant to the General Manager Laurie Ion said the plan will assist staff in parks and recreation planning and give them the ability to apply for grants and funding.
The adoption of the report included a new dog policy for Templeton parks including Evers Sports Park and Tom Jermin. Sr. Park. “Currently parks in Templeton are posted with signs that say no dogs or pets allowed,” she said. “Since then we have decided as long as people follow appropriate etiquette they will be allowed to use the parks during low usage periods…Dogs and pets will still not be allowed during sporting usage or events.”
The process of developing the master plan included several staff, committee and community consultations, a final review of the document was completed in March 2016 with minor amendments, before its adoption at the Apr. 5 board meeting.
The plan provides scope for the development and improvement of parks, open space, recreational facilities, and recreational programs, and identifies maintenance needs, new projects, and sources of funding.
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