Donations needed for 4th of July in the park celebration

The 2014 Creston Classic Rodeo Queen Haley Simonin and the 2014 Creston Classic Rodeo Junior Queen Kiah Williams. Courtesy photo.
–The annual 4th of July Parade and Park Celebration has become a tradition in Templeton. Locals and visitors enjoy a pancake breakfast, parade, and festivities at the park including music, food and drink at Templeton Park.
The Templeton REC Foundation is coordinating the Templeton 4th of July 2016 Park Celebration activities. Many people are unaware that Templeton County Park is not owned or operated by Templeton Community Services District. As such, the Templeton REC Foundation incurs the costs associated with renting the park, providing porta-pottees, purchasing insurance to indemnify the county, hiring a band for the afternoon, and operating the beer booth. Beer booth proceeds have been used to offset all costs but the event continues to increase in cost. As such, donations to offset the cost of the 4th of July event are being accepted at this time.
If you would like to make a donation, please contact Templeton REC Foundation Members Laurie Ion or Natalie Klock at (805) 434-4900. Let’s keep our hometown event going!