Templeton Guide|Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Clean-up day is a huge success 

clean up dayStudents of all ages, churchgoers, fraternity members, parents and their children, football players, local Boy Scouts, and active community members converged on the streets of Templeton to give the community an environmental face lift during the 14th Annual Templeton Community Clean-Up Day on Saturday.

With almost 130 volunteers, this year’s turnout beat expectations and was pronounced by the Templeton Community Service District to be the biggest volunteer turnout since Clean-Up Day began in 2000.

Over 465 pounds of trash consisting of everything from cigarette butts, plastic chairs, Styrofoam cups, an empty wallet to tires were gathered by local volunteers who collected bag after bag of trash that might have otherwise ended up in local storm drains and waterways, where it could have contributed to water pollution or damaged fish habitat.

A post-clean up barbecue and raffle was held at the County Park. Volunteers enjoyed burgers and hot dogs while winning prizes varying from gift cards, Frisbees, Nightmare on Main – Haunted House tickets, and candy.

The Templeton Community Service District offers special thanks to Mid-State Solid Waste and Recycling, the members of the Templeton Lions Club, Templeton Deli and Market, Templeton Donuts, and Trader Joe’s for their donations and assistance in making this event successful.

About the author: Access Publishing

Scott Brennan is the publisher of this website and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog.