Templeton Guide|Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Change Your Irrigation Time Clocks 

Fall/Winter Weather Will Soon Bring Rain Savings!

Fall weather is here and winter is just around the corner; the cooler/wetter weather will bring an opportunity for everyone to reduce water consumption and save money on water bills. Maximizing the financial benefits of the winter season is as easy as adjusting your landscape’s irrigation timers, so that less automated watering occurs.

irrigation clock

Surprisingly, each year during rainstorms Templeton CSD staff members observe sprinklers watering already-drenched lawns – a wasteful use of a valuable resource. So, take a few minutes soon and turn your sprinkler timers down or off to reduce the frequency of watering until the rainy season is behind us. Let nature’s showers do the work for a while!

About the author: Access Publishing

Scott Brennan is the publisher of this website and founder of Access Publishing. Connect with him on , Twitter, LinkedIn, or follow his blog.